Historical analysis on the characteristics of rock fighting as a sport 석전(石戰)의 스포츠속성에 관한 사적(史的) 해석
48(6) 1-14, 2009
Historical analysis on the characteristics of rock fighting as a sport 석전(石戰)의 스포츠속성에 관한 사적(史的) 해석
It tried to confirm that rock fighting was not only a national game but also was a fully recognized sport by analyzing the characteristic of its historical viewpoint. The result of the research is as follows. First, rock fighting naturally originated to protect a village or a nation and to pray for a fruitful year. Koreans have put great value on agriculture. Rock fighting is closely related to the shrine of a tutelary deity. It indicates that rock fighting was a martial art sport that has improved together with traditional belief. Second, it was performed on the first month of a year before Koryeo period. It was performed on Dano in Koryeo period and on the 15th of January by the lunar calendar in Chosun period. Like this, our ancestors practiced rock fighting, which naturally developed in history, in their lives. There was a dance called ‘rock fighting dance’ in western side of Korea. Third, it fully included the characteristic of a sport. So it can be called a sport. This research found that rock fighting was a national game that fully included long history and modern sport characteristics.
Key Words
rock fighting, sport, historical viewpoint, rock fighting dance, tutelary deity, Long history
A study on the first sports meeting(undonghoe) in korea 한국 최초의 운동회에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 박상석SangSeokPark
48(6) 15-23, 2009
A study on the first sports meeting(undonghoe) in korea 한국 최초의 운동회에 관한 연구
손환HwanSon , 박상석SangSeokPark
This study about the first Korean sports meeting through researching the diary, article, journal etc. There are many theories about the first modern sports meeting - Na Hyun Sung insists that the first of sports meet is the Hwa-ryu-hoe(花柳會) of foreigner school on May 2nd, 1896 and Lee Tae Woong insist it is the Sports meeting union of government institution's school on May 31st, 1896, and Kim Eun Shin insist of huge sports meeting of English school on June 16, 1897. Recently it have been believed that the most persuasive insistence is the opinion of Na Hyun sung and become the established theory. The reason of this decision is that some historical writings have the same testimony of Na Hyun Sung about the initiative of sport meetings. But some studies handle this fact wrongly and this wrong reference is used again. Like this, this established theory, but usure, are also objected by a historical evidence of huge sports meeting in Eul-mi-ui-suk(乙未義塾) on April 19th, 1895. By this evidence, We conclude that other theories about the initiative of sports meetings are invalid.
Key Words
a sports meeting, undonghoe, the first sports meeting, the first in Korea
A study on the introduction and development process of bobsleigh in korea 봅슬레이의 도입 및 전개과정에 관한 고찰
The purpose of this paper is to study the introduction and development process of bobsleighs in Korea. To that end, this paper recorded oral statements from Kang Kwang-bae and Jo In-ho, who played important roles in introducing bobsleighing to Korea, collected relevant documentary data, and used them to produce a detailed record of the way bobsleighing was introduced in Korea. When the facts significant to the introduction of bobsleighs in Korea that were verified in this paper are summarized, they are as follows. First, the first Korean bobsleigh rider was Kang Kwang-bae, and the history of bobsleighing in Korea began when he joined the Austria Bobsleigh Skeleton Club in 1999. Second, the “Gangwon Provincial Bobsleigh Team” was founded in 2003 as the first team of its kind in Korea, and with Kang Kwang-bae competing as a member of that team, bobsleighing began to be actively introduced in Korea. Third, the first international competition that the national bobsleigh team participated in its official capacity as “Korean national team” was the Euro Cup held on November 23, 2003, in the two-crew bobsleighing event, and the first international competition that the team won a prize in was the four-crew race in the second round of the 2008 America’s Cup. Fourth, it was confirmed that active personal involvement by Kang Kwang-bae played a decisive role in the introduction and development of bobsleighing in Korea.
Key Words
Bobsleigh, Kang Kwang-Bae, Skeleton, Luge
View on the body and value of physical education in the doctrine of the yang-ming 양명학의 신체관과 체육적 가치
48(6) 37-45, 2009
View on the body and value of physical education in the doctrine of the yang-ming 양명학의 신체관과 체육적 가치
The school of Yang-Ming’s Ju-Ja-Hak is a representative part of the school of Confucianism. The objective of the Song-Myung doctrine is to closely examine what is good “LEE (理)”, and focuses on finding what is universally good. In Ju-Ja-Hak, they insist on Sung-Jeuk-Lee (性卽理), but in Yang-Ming’s doctrine they insist on Shim-Jeuk-Lee (心卽理). Although the Yang-Myung doctrine is more insistent, the Shim-Jeuk doctrine’s individual view is more geared towards the difference between the Western thought of Shim-Shin-Yi-Won-Lone (心身二元論) and the Eastern thought of Shim-Shin-Il-Yeo’s (心身一如) Shim-Shin-Il-Won-Lone (心身一元論). He states that the road to character perfection requires the healing of intuition, as well as Chi-Yang-Ji (致良知) and Ji-Heng-Hab-Il (知行合一). On top of this, he also emphasized that the physical aspect on an individual also needs to be disciplined. This paper will closely examine the Yang-Ming doctrine and the worth it has in Physical education.
Key Words
Yang-Ming Studies, 양명학, 陽明學, Wang Yang-ming, 왕양명, 王陽明, Chi-Yang-Ji(치량지, 致良知) and Ji-Heng-Hab-Il(지행합일, 知行合一)
Artistotle`s thought of physical education(9): sport and golden mean 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(9): 스포츠 중용
48(6) 47-56, 2009
Artistotle`s thought of physical education(9): sport and golden mean 아리스토텔레스의 체육사상(9): 스포츠 중용
This paper was approached to demonstrate the logicality of the golden mean as a condition for happiness in sport based on Aristotle philosophy. Aristotle divided the attitude into three conditions such as excess, deficiency, and intermediate. Among these conditions, then, two are vices-one of excess, one of deficiency- and one, the mean, is virtue. The meaning of the golden mean is that the intermediate relative to us, not in the object that is not calculated by mathematical method. The mean, however, is changed by situation or purpose at the right times, about the right things, and toward right people as well. To explain the golden mean, I tried to analyze three virtues, win, pleasure, honor, which are things as the results of sport activity. First, To take the winning which is the articulate purpose for sporting event, we should take bravery instead of coward and rashness. Second, if we get the pleasure through sport, we have to keep a look out for insensible and intemperate attitude from deficiency and excess but keep the golden mean position, it is temperance. Last, the honor also pursued by sport activity is the virtue may be approach by the golden mean, magnanimity, neither deficiency, pusillanimity nor excess, vanity. Accordingly, I expect that if we do sport in the golden mean position, sport will become the virtue which contribute for happiness.
Key Words
Aristotle, sport, virtue, golden mean
The cord reading of sportainment reflected by professional sports 프로스포츠에 반영된 스포테인먼트의 코드 읽기
강덕모DeukMoKang , 김이수YiSooKim , 강유원YuWonKang
48(6) 57-66, 2009
The cord reading of sportainment reflected by professional sports 프로스포츠에 반영된 스포테인먼트의 코드 읽기
강덕모DeukMoKang , 김이수YiSooKim , 강유원YuWonKang
The aim of study is understanding the characteristics of modern sports and showing the importance of the valuable sports culture creation through the concepts of sportainment and their applied instances which are embossed in new sports paradigm. According to the goal, both factors act as a complicated way through the result of multilateral analysis by using literatural documents for the aspect and example sportainment to practice in sports field. First, as a positive function of sportainment, sportainment can make a status of viewing sports strong and steady by creating external happiness, separating from the sports happiness itself. Second, as a negative part, sportainment can be unfavorable and can threaten the existence itself if it disregards its inherent characteristics. What is important here is to make an attempt to have an ideal relationship, merging two kinds of extreme phenomena into a single body. The most essential things to do in establishing an ideal relationship model is to preserve the essence and internal value of sports and to pursuit the Arete happiness, which is searching for the joy of sports.
Key Words
sportainment, sports value, sports essence, arete
Improvement strategies of volunteering to related physical education of college students in physical education department 체육계열 대학생의 전공연계 자원봉사 활성화 방안
48(6) 67-76, 2009
Improvement strategies of volunteering to related physical education of college students in physical education department 체육계열 대학생의 전공연계 자원봉사 활성화 방안
This Study was to propose an improvement strategies of volunteering related to physical eduction of college students who major in physical education. In order to achieve the aim of this study, research method adopted a in depth interviews. Research participants were ten college students who were experienced in volunteer related to physical education. The results were as follow; First, volunteer satisfaction factors of college student volunteers were developed skill in practical business, improved teaching method, expanded human relations, and satisfaction of volunteerism itself. Second, volunteer dissatisfaction factors of college students volunteers were dis-spontaneity, dis-retention, dis-specialty, and dis-daily affair. Third, improvement strategies of volunteering related to physical education of college students were recognition of volunteerism necessity, the foundation of volunteer information network system, the close network maintenance between college and organizations, and supplement of volunteer in physical director licensing examination.
Key Words
volunteer, physical education, college students
The comparative analysis of the media audiences’ value expectation and use and gratification about sport contents 미디어 스포츠콘텐츠 수용자의 기대가치와 이용충족 비교연구
조성식SeongSikCho , 김성훈SungHunKim
48(6) 77-86, 2009
The comparative analysis of the media audiences’ value expectation and use and gratification about sport contents 미디어 스포츠콘텐츠 수용자의 기대가치와 이용충족 비교연구
조성식SeongSikCho , 김성훈SungHunKim
This study was intended to provide the value increase of media sport contents by analyzing the comparison among the factors of value expectation and use and gratification by media forms. For this study, the self-administered questionnaire for 557 college students was employed. The results were as followed. First, the audiences of sport contents tended to expect highly the values of pastime/curiosity, system qualities/information, use convenience, and content diversity through the internet, and the value of content sharing through the terrestrial TV. The internet users showed the high use and gratification with regard to pastime/curiosity, content sharing, use convenience, and content diversity, and TV audiences were highly satisfied with system qualities/information. Second, TV audiences were satisfied with system qualities/information, use convenience, as compared to their expectation of such factors. Third, internet users were satisfied with content sharing, but not with pastime/curiosity as compared to their expectation of such factors. Fourth, cable TV audiences were satisfied with system qualities/information and use convenience but not with pastime/curiosity and content sharing as compared to the expectation of such factors.
Key Words
media sport, sport contents, audiences, value expectation, use and gratification
Distinctions and class solidification strategies of the upper class golf participants 상류계급 골프참여자들의 구별짓기와 계급 공고화 전략
권기남KiNamKwon , 임수원SooWoenLim
48(6) 87-98, 2009
Distinctions and class solidification strategies of the upper class golf participants 상류계급 골프참여자들의 구별짓기와 계급 공고화 전략
권기남KiNamKwon , 임수원SooWoenLim
The purpose of this study is not only to investigate what kinds of characteristics of upper class golf participants have but what types of tactics the people of upper class choose in order to strengthen their own class status and how to differentiate themselves from the people of rest of classes. To achieve this purpose, this study performed a case study with the members of ‘S golf club’. By applying purposeful sampling method, seven members attached to ‘S party’ in the ’S golf club’ and one supplementary participant have been selected as the research participants for this study. All Data have been collected through participant observations and in-depth interviews during the time period from January until August of 2008 and relevant materials having been collected were analysed with the method of textual analysis. The results drawn out by implementing aforementioned methods are as follows; Comparison of the total amounts and component ratios of economical capital, cultural capital, and social capital revealed that the upper class holds much more capital than other classes, although slight differences existed between each cases. Having these capitals as a background, positions of the participants within social space were centered at a particular place. Through this phenomenon, it was confirmed that they share the same hierarchical status. It was also shown that these participants, who share the same status, also share the same habitus owing to the fact that they have similar hobbies and tastes. For these reasons, two class characteristics emerged; selective affinity, which inspire their hierarchical awareness, and exclusiveness of field, which, according to the principle of exclusion, thoroughly exclude those who do not meet the requirements.
Key Words
Distinctions, class solidification strategies, the upper class, golf participants
Transference of rhythmic gymnasts to aerobic gymnastics and the process of achieving the high-performance 리듬체조선수의 에어로빅체조 종목이동과 우수성적 성취과정
이원미WonMiLee , 이종영JongYoungLee
48(6) 99-109, 2009
Transference of rhythmic gymnasts to aerobic gymnastics and the process of achieving the high-performance 리듬체조선수의 에어로빅체조 종목이동과 우수성적 성취과정
이원미WonMiLee , 이종영JongYoungLee
This study is designed to understand the process of transition from rhythmic gymnastics to aerobic gymnastics and the achievement of high results after the transition using the Grounded Theory approach. Concept & categorization by grounded theory(Strauss & corbin, 2001) paradigm was carried in open coding, and category analysis was performed in axial coding. By the processes mentioned above, 97 concepts, 37 sub-categories, 16 categories were derived. The core category in selective coding process was ‘achievement of high performance of aerobic gymnasts who transferred from rhythmic gymnastics’, and three patterns followed - ’alternative-selecting’, ‘future-oriented’, and ‘self-leading’. Also process analysis were shown in three different phases – ‘beginning and adjusting to rhythmic gymnastics’, ‘transition to aerobic gymnastics’, and ‘achieving high performance in aerobic gymnastics’. As a result of this study, ‘achievement of high performance by aerobic gymnasts who transferred from rhythmic gymnastics’ was a process of gaining accomplishment as an aerobic gymnast apart from being recognized as an athlete. In other words, the gymnasts who did not demonstrate excellence in rhythmic gymnastics and experienced frustration and sense of alienation chose the transition to aerobic gymnastics and achieved high performances overcoming the hardships they faced along the process.
The purpose of this study was to provide the current considerations of recognition of marine-leisure sports, perceived participant constraints of marine-leisure sports, and governmental policy related to marine-leisure sports as well as the methods of their improvement through in-depth interview with experts. The results of the study were as following: First, while it was found that an individual's beliefs of marine-leisure sports represent future-oriented and appropriate leisure activity for our environment, it was expected that marine-leisure sports may be a leisure activity with various cost, equipment, and facility constraints. Second, there were three participatory constraints of activating marine-leisure sports, which were intrapersonal constraints by negative preconception of overall environment of marine-leisure sports, segmentation of four seasons, few or no domestic equipments for marine-leisure sports. Third, there was a matter of both governmental policy and legal basis related to marine-leisure sports policies. And there was a lack of governmental policies of marine-leisure sports regarding its instructions. And the structure of various associations related to marine-leisure sports was not well organized, owing to procedure of top-down of policy decision. Finally, lack of the promotions and public relations campaign would appear to be the obstacle and limitation of activating marine-leisure sports. In order to reform those constraints, it was necessary that it make up the lack of public relations campaign by building an intergrated information system for marine-leisure sports, it might be very helpful to activate marine-leisure sports.
Key Words
marine Leisure sports, recognition, government policies, sports club member, method of improvement
Latin dancers’ body care and the body discourse by foucault 라틴댄스동호인의 몸 관리와 푸코의 몸 담론
김리나RiNaKim , 임수원SooWoenLim
48(6) 125-137, 2009
Latin dancers’ body care and the body discourse by foucault 라틴댄스동호인의 몸 관리와 푸코의 몸 담론
김리나RiNaKim , 임수원SooWoenLim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the meaning of body that Latin dance lovers recognize through latin dance based on the body discourse by Foucault and to examine deeply the body care culture according to participation in Latin dance. This study used the ethnographical research method and nomadic sampling. Data collection was conducted through in-depth interview and participating observance and the data secured through the process were analyzed through the process of transcription, coding and theme generation. The meaning of body for Latin dance lovers according to the body discourse by Foucault appeared through 2 stages, before and after the dancing activity. The former can be explained through panopticon structure and the latter, through synopticon structure. According to the body discourse by Foucault, the body care culture of Latin dance lovers appeared through the work of regulatory power. The body of dance lovers, which was classified into normal and abnormal, was found out to be the body to which the best characterized law is applied, the standardized body. The body of dance lovers, which was cared through test, was found out to be body shaping through distinction and body making.
Key Words
Latin dance, Foucault, body care, body discourse
The effects of goal setting on motor performance and intrinsic motivation 목표설정이 운동수행과 내적동기에 미치는 영향
48(6) 139-148, 2009
The effects of goal setting on motor performance and intrinsic motivation 목표설정이 운동수행과 내적동기에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of motor performance and intrinsic motivation about interval goal and goal proximity using a bowling assignment. The study targets 37 boy students who participate in a bowling lesson in G-college. The method of the statistical analysis used in this study, were exploratory factory analysis, internal consistency analysis, two-way ANOVA with repeated measures and t-test. The result of the study is as follows. The motor performances hadn't distinct differences among short-term goal group, long-term and short-term goal group and interval goal group, but the results made more excellent results then long-term goal group and control group. And also, there are no distinct differences of goal proximity between long-term goal group and control group. In the case of the influences of interval goal group and goal proximity to intrinsic motivation(interest, competence and effort), the interval goal group scored much higher only on the interest factor in the post test then in the pilot test. And short-term goal group and long-term and short-term goal group made only the more significant score of the effort factor in the post test then in the polite test. There is no distinct differences of competence between pilot test and post test in the all groups.
Key Words
interval goal, goal proximity, motor performance, intrinsic motivation
The effect of the bias of the propensity to pursue senses in scuba diving activities on the sense of self-efficacy SCUBA Diving 활동시 감각추구성향의 편향이 자아효능감에 미치는 영향
김성문SungMunKim , 남정훈JungHoonNam
48(6) 149-161, 2009
The effect of the bias of the propensity to pursue senses in scuba diving activities on the sense of self-efficacy SCUBA Diving 활동시 감각추구성향의 편향이 자아효능감에 미치는 영향
김성문SungMunKim , 남정훈JungHoonNam
This study is purposed to elucidate relationships between the propensity to pursue senses and the sense of self efficacy of SCUBA divers. Data were collected from skin scuba divers residing throughout the country and 184 data were used for the final analysis. The collected data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA analyses, correlation analyses and multiple regression analyses conducted using SPSSWIN 17.0 and the results obtained were as follows. First, the diving periods and diving frequencies of SCUBA divers did not show any difference in the sense of self efficacy and the levels of diving showed significant differences in self-confidence. Second, the diving periods, diving frequencies and levels of diving of SCUBA divers did not show any difference in the propensity to pursue senses. Third, in the relationships between the degree of biased propensity to pursue senses and the sense of self efficacy, thrill adventures positively(+)의 affected the self adjustment of the sense of self efficacy and the difficulty of tasks and negatively(-) affected self-confidence. Sensitivity to weariness positively(+) affected self-confidence and negatively(-) affected the difficulty of tasks, and the pursuit of experience was indicated as positively(+) affecting sub factors of the propensity to pursue senses except for self-confidence.
Key Words
SCUBA diving, the sense of self-efficiency, the bias of the propensity to pursue senses
The relationships between transtheoretical model and health belief model to explain exercise behavior 운동행동을 설명하기 위한 건강신념모형과 단계적변화모형 간의 관련성
손경만KyungManSon , 김영호YoungHoKim , 박서령SeoRyungPark
48(6) 163-173, 2009
The relationships between transtheoretical model and health belief model to explain exercise behavior 운동행동을 설명하기 위한 건강신념모형과 단계적변화모형 간의 관련성
손경만KyungManSon , 김영호YoungHoKim , 박서령SeoRyungPark
The purpose of this study was to identify the possible relationships between transtheoretical model and health belief model to predict exercise behavior. A total of 401 students in S university were voluntarily participated in the study. To measure the participants' psychological attributes relating to exercise behavior, new scales for health belief model, stage of change scale for exercise, self-efficacy scale, decisional balance scale for exercise and processes of change scale were used. Results indicated that all psychological variables adopted in the study were significantly different by the stage of exercise behavior [F(4, 396) = 56.03 for behavioral processes; 35.90 for self-efficacy; 25.63 for cognitive processes; 12.45 for pros; 6.04 for exercise barriers, P<.001]. In addition, two sub-constructs of TTM (behavioral processes and self-efficacy) and two sub-constructs of HBM (exercise barriers and cue to action) were effective to explain each stage of change from regression analysis (R2 = .40, P = .001). The findings provide basic knowledge about the effectiveness of an integration between TTM and HBM in designing the intervention strategies aimed at promoting exercise behavior.
Key Words
exercise behavior, transtheoretical model, health belief model, stage of change, self-efficacy, exercise barriers
The influence of a recreation in cultural physical education participator’s motivation on the experience of commitment and satisfaction in Lessons 교양수업 레크리에이션 참가자의 참가동기가 몰입 경험과 수업만족도에 미치는 영향
박상욱SangUookPark , 심향보HyangBoSim
48(6) 175-184, 2009
The influence of a recreation in cultural physical education participator’s motivation on the experience of commitment and satisfaction in Lessons 교양수업 레크리에이션 참가자의 참가동기가 몰입 경험과 수업만족도에 미치는 영향
박상욱SangUookPark , 심향보HyangBoSim
The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of recreational in cultural physical education of participation and motivation on satisfaction and commitment of the experience in lessons. The subjects were 364 students from S university currently undertaking academic courses. They were given surveys which were thereafter analyzed. The data were analyzed using frequency analysis, factor analysis and reliability, and multiple regression analysis. Firstly, results showed that in terms of the influence of recreational participation motivation on the commitment of experience, external, internal and no motivation all had statistically significant influence on the commitment of experience. In terms of cognitive and active the commitment, there was a positive influence on external and internal motivation, and a negative influence on no motivation. Secondly, participation motivation had an influence on lessons satisfaction. In terms of lessons participation, among the sub-factor We analysed professor’s satisfaction and lessons satisfaction, with a positive influence on external motivation and a negative influence on no motivation. As with the satisfaction with the facilities, there was only an negative influence on no motivation. Thus, recreational participation and motivation on satisfaction and the commitment of the experience in lessons external, internal motivation
Key Words
recreation, participation motivation, commitment of experience, Lessons satisfaction
The impacts of participation in an after-school Life-Long dance program on the self-concept of elementary school students 방과후 학교 생활무용 프로그램 참여가 초등학생의 자아개념에 미치는 영향
김혜진HyeJinKim , 황명자MyungJaHwang
48(6) 185-193, 2009
The impacts of participation in an after-school Life-Long dance program on the self-concept of elementary school students 방과후 학교 생활무용 프로그램 참여가 초등학생의 자아개념에 미치는 영향
김혜진HyeJinKim , 황명자MyungJaHwang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of participation in an after-school life-long dance program on the self-concept of elementary school students. For this purpose, 62 elementary school students (participation group and control group each including 31 students) were given the self-concept test before and after participation and the test results were analysed. First of all, the results analysis indicated that there was no statistically significant difference in self-concept of the control group between pre-test and post-test scores, yet there were statistically significant differences in social self-concept and students’ self-concept of the participation group before and after participation. Overall, there was statistically significant difference between the control group and the participation group in self-concept, physical self-concept, social self-concept, students’ self-concept. Therefore, as the results suggested, participation in after-school life-long dance program had positive effects on elementary school students’ self-concept.
The effects of physical education teacher’ transformational Leadership that middle and high school students recognize on intrinsic motivation 중ㆍ고등학생이 인식하는 체육교사의 변혁적 리더십이 내적동기에 미치는 영향
정성우SungWooJung , 표내숙NaeSookPyo , 정상훈SangHoonJeong
48(6) 195-206, 2009
The effects of physical education teacher’ transformational Leadership that middle and high school students recognize on intrinsic motivation 중ㆍ고등학생이 인식하는 체육교사의 변혁적 리더십이 내적동기에 미치는 영향
정성우SungWooJung , 표내숙NaeSookPyo , 정상훈SangHoonJeong
This study was designed to investigate the relationship between the transformational leadership of teachers and the intrinsic motivation of middle and high school students. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was conducted with 584 middle and high school students in Busan. The transformational leadership of the teachers was estimated by a multi-factor leadership questionnaire. The intrinsic motivation of each respondent was measured by the Sport Intrinsic Motivation Questionnaire. The analysis of the data indicates that the intrinsic motivation of the students was affected by a student’s gender, school level, grade and physical education result. In addition, the results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that the intrinsic motivation of the respondents was influenced by the teachers’ transformational leadership types. In other words, all three sub-variables of the physical education teachers’ transformational leadership types had a great impact on the variable of intrinsic motivation and played a key role in increasing the respondents’ overall intrinsic motivation.This study suggests that transformational leadership can enhance students’ intrinsic motivation, which is the most important factor in a great performance.
The cerebellar ataxia results from atrophy of the cerebellum that is characterized by progressive loss of motor control, in turn, develops into the immobilization state. The immediate cause and effective treatment remedy on the cerebellar ataxia patients are still unknown and inefficient. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a treatment of reflex massage of feet as a regimen can improve the depressive disorder in the cerebellar ataxia patients. The foot massage is a stimulate to the healing zones of the feet. Eighteen patients with the cerebellar ataxia were subjected in this study and were randomly assigned to either the control group (without the feet massage, n=9) or the experimental group (patient were received the reflex massage of feet, n=9). The reflex massage of feet was performed once per week on 16 consecutive weeks. In the self-rating depression scale (SDS), the score of SDS was significantly declined in the experiment group at 4 weeks after treatment of reflex massage of feet and continued up to 16 weeks compare with the control group p<0.05). These results indicate that the reflex massage of feet may improve the depressive disorders of the cerebellar ataxia patients, suggesting a potent possibility to alternative medicinal properties of mood disorders in the cerebellar ataxia patients.
Key Words
cerebellum, ataxia, reflex massage of feet, depressive
Enjoyment and stress in physical education across stages of change for exercise behavior 운동 변화단계에 따른 체육수업 재미 및 스트레스
박석일SukIlPark , 김병준ByoungJunKim
48(6) 219-230, 2009
Enjoyment and stress in physical education across stages of change for exercise behavior 운동 변화단계에 따른 체육수업 재미 및 스트레스
박석일SukIlPark , 김병준ByoungJunKim
The purpose of this study was to identify gender differences in the stages of change for exercise behavior and sources of enjoyment and stress in physical education settings, and to examine possible links between students’ stages of change for exercise behavior and perceptions of enjoyment and stress in physical education. Male and female students (N =531) responded to the questionnaires measuring stages of change for exercise behavior and sources of enjoyment and stress in physical education settings. Findings from analyses revealed gender differences in the stages of change for exercise behavior and sources of enjoyment and stress in physical education settings. Specifically, more male students were in the higher stages of change for exercise behavior compared to female students. Male students endorsed higher levels of enjoyment and lower levels of stress in physical education. As the stages of changes progresses, perceptions of enjoyment in physical education tend to increase for both male and female students. Conversely, perceptions of stress were negatively corresponded to the stages of change for exercise behavior.
Key Words
stages of change for exercise behavior, sources of enjoyment, sources of stress
A study of development of a scale of middle school students` perception of physical education classes 중학생의 채육수업인식도 척도개발
구본칠BonChilKoo , 서성교SeongKyoSeo
48(6) 231-242, 2009
A study of development of a scale of middle school students` perception of physical education classes 중학생의 채육수업인식도 척도개발
구본칠BonChilKoo , 서성교SeongKyoSeo
The purpose of this study is to clarify the constructions of middle school students’ perceptions of physical education classes. On the basis of the exploration of these constructions, the examination paper for middle school students’ perceptions of physical education will be developed. In order to achieve this study purpose, firstly the questionnaire items for measurement scale were designed and the validity of contents of the preliminary questionnaire was examined. Through verification of the validity and reliability of the internal constructions, the measurement scale was developed. Based on the literature review about perceptions of physical education and the questionnaire with open-ended question items distributed to 900 middle school students, preliminary measurement scale was designed. In addition, the validity of contents of the preliminary questionnaire was verified. In order to examine the validity of the factor constructions, exploratory factor analysis, verification of the reliability, and confirmatory factor analysis for proving suitability of the scale were conducted targeting 694 middle school students. As a result, the measurement scale of middle school students' perceptions of physical education classes with 21 items which are consisted of 4 main factors: individual physical abilities, anxiety, teachers and class atmosphere factors was developed and it was proved that the scale have enough suitablity.(X²=529.236, df=183, P=.000, Q=2.892, GFI=.924, CFI=.927, RMSEA=.057)
Key Words
physical education class, student cognition, development
Humanities-oriented physical education as a physical education philosophy for whole person: an exploratory analysis 전인지향적 채육교육론으로서의 인문적 체육교육: 탐색적 분석
48(6) 243-260, 2009
Humanities-oriented physical education as a physical education philosophy for whole person: an exploratory analysis 전인지향적 채육교육론으로서의 인문적 체육교육: 탐색적 분석
In recent years, people have put enormous practical interests in the reactivation of school physical education. In contrast, conceptual discussions on the educational values and practices have not been gathered as much attention. This study purports to investigate a perspective by which the value of physical education is interpreted in a new way. It is called as Humanities-Oriented Physical Education(HOPE). It is the newest version of ”Education through the Physical” philosophy. It is interested in the process of cultivating a student into a more holistic being(whole person). It is oriented to the education of whole person. This study introduces the conceptual characteristics and analyzes its educational values. In the second subsection, the characteristics of Science-Oriented Physical Education, which is a newest version of “Education of the Physical” philosophy, are analyzed. The theoretical background of HOPE is followed in the third section. The three important dimensions of HOPE, the goal, the content, and the method, are compared with other important physical education models and perspectives such as Sport Education, Teaching Games for Understanding, and Personal-Social Responsibility Model in the next. In conclusion, some ideas for conceptual clarification, practical application, and empirical research are suggested.
Key Words
Education through the Physical, Humanities-Oriented Physical Education, Whole Person
Trends in sport tourism research 스포츠관광 연구 경향 분석
48(6) 261-274, 2009
Trends in sport tourism research 스포츠관광 연구 경향 분석
The purposes of this study are to examine the development of sport tourism research and to suggest source materials leading toward future research as determined by an analysis of current trends. For this study, an electronic-search of theses written by master’s degree and doctoral students was conducted using as key words “sport tourism” on the National Assembly Library and KERIS Internet sites. The searches produced 131 studies that were then analyzed in terms of meta-evaluation. Results show that sport tourism research, which is a combination of the topics of sport and tourism, began only recently, influenced mainly by the 2002 FIFA World-Cup. The turning point for this body of research occurred in 2005, beginning with studies that sought to identify intrinsic characteristics of sport tourism, as well as related topics and methods, followed by concerns of social needs as a practical application of the field. Results also found that research methods were given high value in the positive category of studies and focused mostly on descriptive research with only one study devoted to theoretical analysis. Most of the studies relied heavily on quantitative data. More recently, however, research topics appear to have become somewhat broader and methods have become slightly more qualitative in nature. Future studies need to devote greater attention to theoretical considerations as well as a greater variety of methods in order to establish a systemic field of research for this topic.
Key Words
Sport Tourism, research trends
The audiences’ advertising attitude and corporate image by distinguishing between the official sponsor and the ambusher 공식 스폰서와 앰부셔 인지 여부에 따른 수용자의 광고 태도와 기업이미지 연구
김진국JinKookKim , 정연길YunKilChung , 강현민HyunMinKang
48(6) 275-290, 2009
The audiences’ advertising attitude and corporate image by distinguishing between the official sponsor and the ambusher 공식 스폰서와 앰부셔 인지 여부에 따른 수용자의 광고 태도와 기업이미지 연구
김진국JinKookKim , 정연길YunKilChung , 강현민HyunMinKang
The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for the successful operation of marketing communication strategy using sports sponsorship through verifying audiences’ attitude toward corporate advertising which involved in sports event as the official sponsor and the ambusher. For this purpose, the differences of groups in evaluating advertising attitude and corporate image were drew by ANOVA, based on respondents' recognition of official sponsors and ambushers. The impacts of advertisement types(official sponsor vs. ambusher) and the level of recognition(recognized vs. unrecognized) on audience’s attitude toward advertisements and perceived corporate image were also verified by two-way ANOVA. The results of this study showed that the non-recognition group had more positive views on the official sponsor in evaluating corporate image, while they showed a more positive attitude toward advertisement made by the ambusher. Whereas, the recognition group in evaluating advertising attitude and corporate image presented a more favorable attitude toward advertisement made by the official sponsor. Finally, all of the two sub-factors consisted of advertising attitude and the three sub-factors for corporate image in advertising type and level of recognition showed interaction effects. As a result, consumers showed a more positive advertising attitude toward the official sponsor than the ambusher when they recognized the differences between the official sponsor and the ambusher involved in sports event.
Key Words
advertising attitude, corporate image, official sponsor, ambusher
The effects of CEO Leadership style on the organizational culture, motivation, organizational effectives of public sports center staffs 공공스포츠센터직원들이 인지한 CEO 리더십유형이 조직문화, 욕구동기, 조직유효성에 미치는 영향
48(6) 291-300, 2009
The effects of CEO Leadership style on the organizational culture, motivation, organizational effectives of public sports center staffs 공공스포츠센터직원들이 인지한 CEO 리더십유형이 조직문화, 욕구동기, 조직유효성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to Leadership Style on the Organizational Culture, Motivation, Organizational Effectives of Public Sports Center Staffs. For purpose of this study, 300 answers were applied to analysis among distributed 287 questionnaires with exception of lightly qualified answers in the target of Users of Public Sports Center Staffs. The date was analyzed by the Frequency analysis, Reliability analysis, Exploratory factor analysis and Confirmatory factor analysis, Correlation analysis, Structure equation model analysis in accordance with the purpose of the study by using SPSS Version 14.0 Following results were obtained through above analysis. First, The relationship between transactional․transformational leadership and Organizational Culture or public sports Center Staffs was varified by statistic methods. Second, The relationship between transactional․transformational leadership and Motivation or public sports workers was varified by statistic methods. Third, Organizational Effectives Responses had significant influence on Organizational Effectives Fourth, Motivation had significant influence on Organizational Effectives.
Key Words
CEO Leadership Style, Organizational Culture, Motivation, Organizational Effectives
The relationships among hosting city/sport event image congruity, brand equity of a hosting city, and visiting intention: the case of 2010 chun cheon world Leisure congress and Leisure games 개최도시/스포츠 이벤트 이미지 일치성, 개최도시 브랜드 자산, 방문의도간의 관계: 2010 춘천 월드레저 총회 및 경기대회를 중심으로
박형준HyungJunPark , 한진욱JinWookHan , 하제현JaeHyunHa
48(6) 301-311, 2009
The relationships among hosting city/sport event image congruity, brand equity of a hosting city, and visiting intention: the case of 2010 chun cheon world Leisure congress and Leisure games 개최도시/스포츠 이벤트 이미지 일치성, 개최도시 브랜드 자산, 방문의도간의 관계: 2010 춘천 월드레저 총회 및 경기대회를 중심으로
박형준HyungJunPark , 한진욱JinWookHan , 하제현JaeHyunHa
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among hosting city-image/sport event-image congruity, brand equity of a hosting city, and visiting intention. A total of 250 participants taking part in Chun Cheon nationwide leisure community members’s festival from July 25 to July 26 were selected using a convenient sampling method. 182 usable questionnaires were returned to the researchers. Data analyses were conducted with SPSS 15.0 V. and AMOS 7.0. The results of this study indicated that (1) hosting city/sport event image congruity had a significant influence on brand equity of the host city, and (2) brand equity of the host city had a significant impact on visit intention. Practical implications of findings were discussed.
The influence of professional baseball team identification and factor for replica purchasing decision on purchasing attitude 프로야구 팀동일시와 레플리카(Replica) 구매결정요인이 구매태도에 미치는 영향
신승호SeungHoShin , 김현운HyunWoonKim , 전찬수ChanSooJun
48(6) 313-322, 2009
The influence of professional baseball team identification and factor for replica purchasing decision on purchasing attitude 프로야구 팀동일시와 레플리카(Replica) 구매결정요인이 구매태도에 미치는 영향
신승호SeungHoShin , 김현운HyunWoonKim , 전찬수ChanSooJun
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of professional baseball team identification and factor for replica purchasing decision on purchasing attitude. To achieve this purpose subject was selected by university students in Busan. Total 404 surveys were distributed and 378 samples were finally used after eliminating 26 incomplete samples. The data was analyzed by descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis by using Windows for SPSS 12.0. The findings of this study were as follows. First, the man, buyer to the replica and the professional baseball spectators are significantly higher than the woman, non-buyer to the replica and non-spectators in team identification and factor for purchasing decision. Second, team local connection and star player at team identification had significantly effect on purchasing attitude. Third, brand, accessibility and quality at purchasing decision had significantly effect on purchasing attitude.
Key Words
professional baseball team replica, team identification, purchasing decision, purchasing attitude
The effects of switching barriers on the repurchase intentions in commercial sports center 상업스포츠센터의 전환장벽이 재구매의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to clarify that the switching barrier of a commercial sports center influences on a repurchase intention. The questionnaire of 670 copies was distributed with the target of members of three commercial sports centers located in Seoul Metropolitan City, and 600 copies were finally used as research material after excluding material of 70 copies that responded insincerely. As the statistical methods used in this research, the frequency analysis, correlation and confirmatory factor analysis were carried out by using a Spss/pc window v.15.0 program and an Amos 7.0 program were used to analyze a structural equation model. The results are as follows. First, in the influence that switching costs affect a repurchase intention, it appeared that the higher switching costs had influence on the repurchase intention. Second, it appeared that the charm of an alternative plan had negative(-) influence on the repurchase intention. Third, it appeared that the human relationship had positive(+) influence on the repurchase intention. That is, in order to enhance the member’s registration rate of a commercial sports center, the switching costs should be most raised, and mutual human relationships should be raised, and the charm of an alternative plan should be lowly recognized to the maximum.
Key Words
Switching Barriers, Repurchase Intentions, Commercial Sports Center
Impacts of career plateau on job commitment, organizational commitment, and counterproductive work behaviors among sport management professionals 스포츠경영 업무 종사자들의 경력정체가 직무몰입과 조직몰입, 그리고 반생산적 과업행동에 미치는 영향
김태희TaeHeeKim , 장경로KyungRoChang
48(6) 335-346, 2009
Impacts of career plateau on job commitment, organizational commitment, and counterproductive work behaviors among sport management professionals 스포츠경영 업무 종사자들의 경력정체가 직무몰입과 조직몰입, 그리고 반생산적 과업행동에 미치는 영향
김태희TaeHeeKim , 장경로KyungRoChang
The purpose of this study were to investigate the impact of career plateau classified into structure plateau and content plateau on job and organizational commitment and counterproductive work behavior among sport management professionals. 238 questionnaires from professionals whose work were related to sport management and/or sport marketing in sport organizations were used to analyze the proposed hypotheses using LISREL. Results showed that both structure and content plateau showed negative impacts on both job and organizational commitment. In addition, structure and content plateau showed positive impacts on counterproductive work behaviors. Finally, both job and organizational commitment revealed negative impacts on counterproductive work behaviors. Research implications for academicians and practitioners, and future research directions were discussed.
Key Words
career plateau, job commitment, organizational commitment, counterproductive work behavior
Influences of sport for all participation of middle school students on the physical education attitude 중학생의 생활체육 참여가 체육수업 태도에 미치는 영향
김경원KyungWonKim , 김수연SooYeonKim
48(6) 347-355, 2009
Influences of sport for all participation of middle school students on the physical education attitude 중학생의 생활체육 참여가 체육수업 태도에 미치는 영향
김경원KyungWonKim , 김수연SooYeonKim
The aims of this study were to examine the influences of the sport for all participation of middle school students on the physical education attitude. The subjects chosen for this study were 836 students eight middle schools. They responded to a demographic questionnaire and the Physical Education Attitude Scale. For analysis, t-test and ANOVA, were used. The results are as follows: The physical education attitude of middle school students was generally positive, but gender differences were founded. In physical education attitude, male was more positive than female. The more frequency of sport for all participation and physical activity with own family were, the more positive the physical education attitude of students was. On the basis of these results, several suggestions were made from the viewpoint of internal and external factors of physical education.
Key Words
sport for all participation, physical education attitude, gender difference, sports socialization
An analysis of gymnasium selection factors and training continuation factors for kuksool trainees 국술도장 운영활성화를 위한 수련생의 도장선정요인 및 수련지속요인 분석
공시영SiYoungKong , 윤양진YangJinYoon
48(6) 357-371, 2009
An analysis of gymnasium selection factors and training continuation factors for kuksool trainees 국술도장 운영활성화를 위한 수련생의 도장선정요인 및 수련지속요인 분석
공시영SiYoungKong , 윤양진YangJinYoon
The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for Kuksool gym operation by analyzing two factors: the factors that trainees consider when they select a Kuksool gym and the reasons why they continue to train. For this, researchers derived differences between the selecting factors for the Kuksool gym and the reasons why the trainees continue to train according to social and anthropological feature by performing purposeful sampling to 319 trainees out of 35 authorized Kuksoolwon gyms who participated in 2008 masters training program. researchers have come to the following conclusion by using exploratory factor analysis by SPSS 12.0, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, chi-square, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Tukey Post-hoc Comparison. First, it has been proved that age based gym selection factors are different according to such as education, publicity, external factors, school career and level based are coach, education, external factors. Second, it has been proved that age based factors why trainees continue to train are different according to such as education, external factors and the level based are education.
Key Words
kuksool, Gymnasium Selection Factors, Training Continuation Factors
Service protection of an indoor golf driving range good customer relates to a decision factor 실내골프연습장 단골고객의 서비스애호도 결정요인에 관한 연구
48(6) 373-380, 2009
Service protection of an indoor golf driving range good customer relates to a decision factor 실내골프연습장 단골고객의 서비스애호도 결정요인에 관한 연구
a study of a purpose it was the precedence pivot of the protected a charge account customer for a thing of an indoor golf driving range in an object and for even the precedence pivot to examine and the influence. A study object is a protection customer among Seoul City driving golf range use customers(It is a member of registration more than driving range one year) It was 251 people. A result of a study of seems to be next. First, Result of service, Mutual relations with service provider and a consumer, influence that all the physical environment paid attention to customer satisfaction. The second, not have influence that the result and the environment of service paid attention to switch expense on. The third, General satisfaction for service and name value for service provider, and by having influence that the switch expense that it was late for paid attention to driving range re-registration intention. The fourth, Satisfaction for service, Name value for service offer space between letters, and having influence that the recycling intention paid attention to learning through the grapevine.
Key Words
Customer Loyalty, Indoor Golf, Service Protection
Development strategies of taekwondo park’s training programs: based on the preference models of consumers(trainees and their parents) 태권도 공원 수련프로그램의 개발 전략, 수요자(수련생 및 수련생 부모)이 선호 유형을 중심으로
48(6) 381-391, 2009
Development strategies of taekwondo park’s training programs: based on the preference models of consumers(trainees and their parents) 태권도 공원 수련프로그램의 개발 전략, 수요자(수련생 및 수련생 부모)이 선호 유형을 중심으로
The present study is to suggest strategies for developing the training programs of Taekwondo Park. In order to achieve this purpose, 486 taekwondo practitioners and 261 parents residing in the areas of Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. The findings are as follows: The programs should aim to help practitioners become mentally strong, heighten their awareness of being the citizens of a democratic society, and participate in taekwondo training and other hands-on programs. However, the parents' opinions on the period and cost of their stay in Taekwondo Park must be taken into consideration. The training should involve both indoor and outdoor activities, and board breaking and weapon training should be reinforced. The trainees are to have the freedom to choose the techniques they want to learn. The programs should be distinguished by the level of pum belt. All participants must take part in from an easy and pleasant program to a more difficult program. The number of exercise should be limited to once or twice per day and the trainees will be involved in sightseeing and other hands-on programs for the rest of time. All trainees will be trained by professional trainers. As part of training assessment, participatory medals or certificates should be awarded. There must be some kind of regulations and control methods for the trainees to abide by during their stay in the park. The programs should include other taekwondo-related events to enjoy not only for participants but also for the general public.
Key Words
Taekwondo Park, strategies for developing the training programs, Preference Models of Consumers(Trainees, Parents)
Relationships between serious Leisure and recreation specialization: focused on skiers 진지한 여가와 레크리에이션 전문화의 관계: 스키어를 대상으로
황선환SunHwanHwang , 이문진MunJinLee
48(6) 393-402, 2009
Relationships between serious Leisure and recreation specialization: focused on skiers 진지한 여가와 레크리에이션 전문화의 관계: 스키어를 대상으로
황선환SunHwanHwang , 이문진MunJinLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the casual relationships between serious leisure and recreation specialization. To conduct this study, a total of 374 individuals from four ski resorts in Kyongki and Kangwon province where selected by the cluster random sampling method. Using LISREL 8.51, reliability and validity of the measurement model for serious leisure and recreation specialization were tested and the model fit was examined. The results described that serious leisure had significantly positive effects on recreation specialization and accounted for 44% of variances of recreation specialization. Of 18 dimensions of serious leisure, "effort", "financial return", and "identity" significantly positively influenced all three dimensions of recreation specialization. In addition, "self-express ability" and "self-express individual" had significantly positive influences on "past experience" of recreation specialization, and "unique ethos" had significantly positive effects on "centrality-to-lifestyle" of recreation specialization. The results of this study would provide scholars in leisure and recreation fields with more understandable concepts of serious leisure and recreation specialization and with important data to make their studies on serious leisure and recreation specialization more advanced.
Leisure policies in germany: a contemporary review of sports-for all and sports clubs 독일의 여가정책: 생활체육과 스포츠클럽에 대한 현대적 성찰
송형석HyeongSeokSong , 이홍구HongGooLee
48(6) 403-413, 2009
Leisure policies in germany: a contemporary review of sports-for all and sports clubs 독일의 여가정책: 생활체육과 스포츠클럽에 대한 현대적 성찰
송형석HyeongSeokSong , 이홍구HongGooLee
Leisure policies in Germany aim at the promotion of sports‐for‐all, and its practical methods include the provision of facilities highly accessible to community residents in their daily life and the efficient utilization of such facilities through sports clubs. As a result, sports‐for‐all facilities are distributed evenly throughout the country, and over 90,000 sports clubs are organized around the facilities. Furthermore, more than a third of German people are the members of such clubs, enjoying their pleasant leisure life. Recently, however, many of sports clubs are facing problems from the change of internal and external environment. The structure of population has been transformed considerably due to the low birth rate and aging, and people’s desires have been changed as a result of the diversification and individualization of lifestyle. To cope with these problems, various forms of private and public cooperation are being established cautiously. In case of Korea, sports‐for‐all are confronted with the diminishing of sports consumer population and difficulties in financing even before they are settled in communities. Accordingly, the government should not rest content with its achievements in elite sports, which rank around 10th in the world, but as in Germany it needs to invest more budgets in sports‐for‐all and develop efficient programs as more fundamental leisure policies, and to wage national movements and campaigns for people’s good use of their leisure time.
Key Words
Leisure policies, sports for all movements, golden plan
An action research for constraint and adjustment of horseback riding participants 승마 동호인들의 제약과 적응에 관한 실행연구
48(6) 415-428, 2009
An action research for constraint and adjustment of horseback riding participants 승마 동호인들의 제약과 적응에 관한 실행연구
The purpose of this study was to present the process-oriented context for constraint and adjustment when participants initiated and participated in horseback riding. The study was conducted through action research method. The results were as followings. Firstly, intrinsic fear, lack of knowledge, overestimate of riding capability, and difficult techniques were identified in order of gallop, quick step, and walk. Secondly, building a relationship with horse, safety awareness education, and skill development session were to overcome the fear of horse, understand the horse riding skills, and characteristics for beginners. Lastly, review from a walk, use of assistive device, practice on ground, combining gym exercise, and training of individual video were also effective to get over technical obstacles of quick step and gallop. This study was meaningful in that it was to present solutions in horseback riding field. When the various education was conducted in horseback riding field, it would be useful for participants to protect themselves from injuries as well as to develope horseback riding industries.
Exploring the perceived purpose of dance participation among college students 대학생의 지각된 무용참여 목적에 관한 탐색적 접근
이숙재SookJaeLee , 김유진YouJinKim
48(6) 429-439, 2009
Exploring the perceived purpose of dance participation among college students 대학생의 지각된 무용참여 목적에 관한 탐색적 접근
이숙재SookJaeLee , 김유진YouJinKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived purpose of dance participation among college students in relation to both regular technical dance class and after school dance classes. The subjects were 348 students (18 males and 330 females) from four universities. The data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire, which was used to explore how dance students perceive the purpose of dance participation. Data analysis was used in inductive methods. Content analysis of the purpose of dance participation in regular classes revealed eight categories of which the factors, learning, managing academic credits, effort/mastery, enjoyment, preparing career, social relationship, managing body, and competition were perceived as most important. It also was founded that dance students participated in after-school practices perceiving the same purposes of dance as those of regular classes, but the importance of the perceived purpose of dance were differentiated from that of regular classes.
Key Words
dance education, perceived purpose of dance, intrinsic motivation
Creativity awareness and it`s transformational process through production of 《Andromaque》, dance drama: a qualitative research 무용극 《안드로마케》 제작을 통한 창의적 사고인식과 변화과정: 질적 접근
48(6) 441-452, 2009
Creativity awareness and it`s transformational process through production of 《Andromaque》, dance drama: a qualitative research 무용극 《안드로마케》 제작을 통한 창의적 사고인식과 변화과정: 질적 접근
This study aims at analyzing the expressive process of dance movement in producing dance drama of 《Andromaque》, a play of Jean Racine who was a representative playwright in the 17th French Neo-Classicism. As a positive case study, I referred to sundry records to analyze the original work, and tried a qualitative approach and in-depth analysis through interviews and group discussions among participants. As a result of study, the participants have remarkably improved in their active thinking and creative expression in the process of creation. In conclusion, the participants discovered a rational communication structure of expressive methods to understand new logical meanings of dance drama, and experienced climbing effect of concentration and immersion through the diversification of production system.
Key Words
Jean Racine, Andromaque, dance drama, qualitative research, movement of dynamic image, creativity awareness
Exploring the promotive and interruptive sources of dance enjoyment among university students 대학생의 무용 즐거움 자원과 저해자원 탐색
48(6) 453-462, 2009
Exploring the promotive and interruptive sources of dance enjoyment among university students 대학생의 무용 즐거움 자원과 저해자원 탐색
The main purpose of this study was to explore the promotive and interruptive sources of enjoyments among university dance students. 205 students completed an open-ended questionnaire with two items. Data were analyzed by frequency analysis and inductive content analysis. For dance students the promotive sources of enjoyment in dance setting included novel experiences of learning, positive learning environments, effort and competition, skill enhancement, supportive teaching behaviors, positive emotion, physiological effects, and others. Also the interruptive sources of enjoyments were classified into uneffective teaching strategies, physical difficulties, lack of skills, negative learning environments, failures of self-regulation, and others. In conclusion, the results of the study suggested that the level of enjoyment in dance classes will be enhanced when students learned new contents and perceived their learning environments positively, whereas the level of enjoyment can be decreased when they perceived negatively instructors’ teaching-learning methods and strategies for class management to be inefficient or negative.
The influence of perceived educational service quality on students satisfaction and relationship marketing of students majoring in dance 무용전공 학생의 교육서비스품질 지각이 학생만족 및 관계마케팅에 미치는 영향
48(6) 463-473, 2009
The influence of perceived educational service quality on students satisfaction and relationship marketing of students majoring in dance 무용전공 학생의 교육서비스품질 지각이 학생만족 및 관계마케팅에 미치는 영향
This study lies on the purpose of providing fundamental level of data that could benefit the university marketing strategy by examining the influence the education service quality causes to student satisfaction and relationship marketing. Under the convenient sampling method, 521 students were sampled from 4-year colleges located in Seoul. By using SPSS 15.0, frequency analysis and exploratory factor analysis were held along with using AMOS 7.0 to perform confirmatory factor analysis and covariance structure analysis for proving the construct validity of each model. Results from these research methods and analysis of data are as follows: First, education service quality had direct influence on student satisfaction. Second, student satisfaction had direct influence on relationship marketing. Third, education service quality had direct influence on relationship marketing. To sum up, it can be concluded that education service quality enhances relationship marketing through student satisfaction which prove to be the important parameters that relate to the relationship of independent and dependent variables.
Key Words
Education Service Quality Perception, Students Satisfaction, Relationship Marketing
Association of BDNF with physical activity, cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular disease risk factors 혈청 Brain-Derived Neutrophic Factor(BDNF)와 신체활동, 심폐체력 및 심혈관질환 위험인자의 관련성
조현철HyunChulCho , 김종규JongKyuKim
48(6) 475-483, 2009
Association of BDNF with physical activity, cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular disease risk factors 혈청 Brain-Derived Neutrophic Factor(BDNF)와 신체활동, 심폐체력 및 심혈관질환 위험인자의 관련성
조현철HyunChulCho , 김종규JongKyuKim
Exercise transiently increase serum levels of BDNF in humans, but serum levels of BDNF ar rest appear to be lower in more physically active with greater levels of energy expenditure. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the association between serum BDNF levels and exercise performance capacity and cardiovascular disease risk factors. In this investigation, a larger sample of healthy men(age range: 21–29 years(n=88), 41-55 years(n=447)) were recruited in the Preventive Health Study(PHS) supported by Sports Science Institute, Y University. Our study resulted in a significantly inverse relationship between serum BDNF and MPAT(21-29 y, r=–0.79, p<0.001; 41-55y, r=-0.78, p<0.0001) and VO2max ml/kg/min(21-29 years, r=–0.42, p<0.0001; 41-55y, r=-0.33, p<0.0001). Our results showed a significant, linear correlation between serum BDNF and BMI(r=0.80-0.81, p<0.0001), SBP(r=0.33-0.24, p<0.0001) and triglyceride level(r=0.31-0.35, p<0.0001). In conclusion, due to the cross-sectional nature of the study, future research is warranted to elucidate the possible mechanisms for these relationships for circulatory BDNF.
Key Words
Serum, MPAT, BMI, SBP, triglyceride
Effects of recreational physical activities on the body composition, Leptin, ghrelin and adiponectin of the obese in elementary school girls 레크리에이션 신체활동이 초등학교 비만여학생의 신체구성, Leptin, ghrelin 그리고 adiponectin 변화에 미치는 영향
허만동ManDongHuh , 정성림SungLimJung , 이경렬KyoungYulLee
48(6) 485-494, 2009
Effects of recreational physical activities on the body composition, Leptin, ghrelin and adiponectin of the obese in elementary school girls 레크리에이션 신체활동이 초등학교 비만여학생의 신체구성, Leptin, ghrelin 그리고 adiponectin 변화에 미치는 영향
허만동ManDongHuh , 정성림SungLimJung , 이경렬KyoungYulLee
The purpose of this study was to find out the different body composition, physical fitness, leptin, ghrelin, and adiponectin hormone investigate the change after 12 weeks of recreation physical activities of the Obese in elementary School Girls. Subject were consisted of recreation activity group(n=6) and control group(n=6) that were over the 27 %fat. recreation physical activity program was performed for Sport Activities and muscle training, 60 minute a day, 5 days a week. The change of body composition, physical fitness and hormone(leptin, ghrelin, and adiponectin) were measured before and after 12 weeks exercise and nonparametric test(Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon's signed rank test) was ussed for statistical analysis. The result for this study was drawn. height RG(p=.028), CG(p=.027) level increased, LBM CG(p=.028) level increased. %fat RG(=p.028) level decreased. but havard step test, grape strength, sit flexion, long jump level not different. sit-up RG(p=.046), CG(p=.027) level increased, leptin RG(=.028) level decreased. The result of this study showed that recreation physical Activities were positive change of the height, LBM, %fat, and sit-up after exercise. Therefore, recreation physical Activities was effective for height and prevention of obesity in the Obese Primary School Girls.
Key Words
obese elementary school girls, Leptin, ghrelin, adionectin
Effect of yoga and walking exercise on physical function, carotid artery structure and function in elderly obese women 요가와 걷기운동이 비만 고령여성의 신체기능과 경동맥 구조 및 기능에 미치는 영향
Effect of yoga and walking exercise on physical function, carotid artery structure and function in elderly obese women 요가와 걷기운동이 비만 고령여성의 신체기능과 경동맥 구조 및 기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the current study is to examine the influence of 12-week yoga and walking exercise program on the carotid artery structure and function in the obese elderly women. And also this study relation examine physical function with change of the carotid structure and function. Subjects in this study are obese elderly women(over 30% body fat mass) and, the 16 subjects who consent to this study after listening the purpose of the study were selected. The exercise group performed the aerobic and yoga exercise training 12-week for 60 minutes 4 times a week. Exercise group after 12week, body fat mass(%), SBP and 10-m maximal walk time were significantly decrease and, VO2max, VO2max/weight, carotid artery luminal diameter(LD) and peak flow velocity(PFV) were significantly increase. The carotid artery IMT and EFV were no change after 12-week. Also, the change carotid artery LD and PFV were significantly relation with oxygen uptake and 10-m maximal walk time. In conclusion, 12-week aerobic and yoga exercise in the obese elderly women is effective to improve physical function, carotid artery structure and function, and change of the carotid artery LD and PFV had the significant correlation with change of physical function.
Key Words
elderly obese women, yoga, walking, carotid artery structure and function, physical function
Effects of taekwondo poomsae training on body composition, β-amyloid and dheas concentration in elderly women 12주간 태권도 품새 수련이 고령여성의 신체구성과 β-amyloid 및 DHEAs 농도에 미치는 영향
신중달JoongDalShin , 김우규WooKyuKim
48(6) 503-511, 2009
Effects of taekwondo poomsae training on body composition, β-amyloid and dheas concentration in elderly women 12주간 태권도 품새 수련이 고령여성의 신체구성과 β-amyloid 및 DHEAs 농도에 미치는 영향
신중달JoongDalShin , 김우규WooKyuKim
With the growing dementia resulted from the rapid aging, the measures to prevent dementia are needed, and therefore this study aims to look into the effects on β-amyloid and DHEAs which as are risk factors of dementia by performing taekwondo poomsae training(TPT) for 12 weeks(60 min/day, three times/week), targeting elderly women(over 65yr, control group=10, training group=10). At the results, fat mass and %fat were decreased significantly and serum cholesterol and insulin resistance were improved significantly in TPT group. Especially, β-amyloid was increased significantly and DHEAs was decreased significantly in TPT group. Accordingly, it is expected to be helpful to improve insulin resistance, and prevent and improve dementia due to the increase in DHEAs and decrease in β-amyloid.
Key Words
body composition, β-amyloid, DHEAs, taekwondo poomsae training, elerly women
Effects of table tennis training on growth hormone and growth mediators in elementary students 탁구 훈련이 초등학생들의 성장 호르몬과 성장 매개체에 미치는 영향
This study demonstrate changes in circulating levels of GH, IGF-I, IGFBP-1, 2 and 3 after 12 wk of table tennis training program in prepubertal adolescent boys. We hypothesized that the increase in GH with IGF-I would be accompanied by a training-associated stimulation. 11-12 years old pre-pubertal healthy children (n=7) and pre-pubertal table tennis players(n=9) was participated in this study. After the training intervention, significant increase in fitness was observed in the both group, but fitness of pre-pubertal table tennis players is higher than that of control group. there was significant increase in IGF-1, and IGFBP-3 in the pre-pubertal table tennis players because IGF-1 was correlated at baseline peak oxygen consumption in all subjects. In contrast, IGF binding protein-2, known to inhibit anabolic effects of IGF-1, decreased in the both subjects with triglyceride, respectively. Finally, we also found that GH, IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 were strongly related with fitness, suggesting altered GH function in more-pre-pubertal table tennis players. Thus, these data support the hypothesis that a sustained training in physical activities may contribute to promote of the GH-IGF-I axis. Therefore, physical activity can influence growth and development through its influence on anabolic mediators.
Effect of exercise on the body composition and physical self-concept of middle-aged women 중년여성의 운동참여 형태가 신체조성 및 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향
김효진HyoJinKim , 이석인SukInLee
48(6) 525-540, 2009
Effect of exercise on the body composition and physical self-concept of middle-aged women 중년여성의 운동참여 형태가 신체조성 및 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향
김효진HyoJinKim , 이석인SukInLee
This experiment had been carried out with the subjects of 60 women in their 40~50s’ in “S” city. Each exercise team of Aerobic dance, Aquarobic dance and Muscular exercise was divided into two groups of the trained and beginners, total 6 groups composed of 10 people each, to analyze the effects of Exercise Types (Aerobic dance/Aquarobic dance/Muscular exercise) x Exercise Levels (Less than 3 months/More than 5 years) x Exercise Elapsed Times (Before/6 weeks/12 weeks) on the Body Composition and Physical Self-concept through the 3-way repeated ANOVA method. As a result of it, firstly, Elapsed time x Level in case of Weight, one of Body Composition elements, and Elapsed time x Type x Level and Elapsed time x Type in Body Fat Percent (BF%) showed statistically meaningful interactive effect. Lean Body Mess (LBM) has statistically meaningful 2-Dimensional interactive effect of Elapsed time x Type and Elapsed time x Level as well as 3-Dimensional interactive effect of Elapsed time x Type x Level. Secondly, various meaningful results were observed in Physical Self-concept elements, that is, 3-Dimensional interactive effect of Elapsed time x Type x Level on Sport Competence, Appearance, Flexibility and Muscle, Elapsed time x Level on Body Fat/Slimness, and Elapsed time x Type and Elapsed time x Level on Self-respect. In conclusion, the trained groups showed generally high level of Body Composition elements and Physical Self-concept elements. On the contrary, the beginner groups with relatively less exercise experience showed lower level of both Body Composition and Physical Self-concept elements than those of the trained groups in the early stage, but the level was gradually improved along with continued exercise. In other words, although the effect of exercise may not appear remarkably during a certain period of time from the inception of exercise, according to this experiment, it is considered that persistent exercise for more than 6 weeks at least could have positive effect on Body Composition and Physical Self-concept in case of middle-aged women.
Key Words
physical composition, physical self-concept, aerobics, Aquarobics, Weight training
The effect of proprioception exercise of male soccer players with functional ankle instability 기능적 발목 불안정성 축구선수들의 고유수용성 강화운동 효과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of proprioception exercise of male soccer players with functional ankle instability. Forty male soccer players divided into two groups: functional ankle instability group(FAIG, n=20) and stable ankle group(SAG, n=20). Then again, the each group were divided into two groups; control group(Con, n=10) and proprioception exercise group(Ex, n=10). The training group participated in a 8-week proprioception exercise program(wobbleboard exercise, walking on difference surface, dynamic function exercise) 6days a week. The control group did not participate in the proprioception exercise program. All data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA with repeated measures of SPSS. The results are as follows; isokinetic strength was not significant difference. Passive & active joint position sense was significantly different between FAIG and SAG at pre exercise(p<.001), but there were not significant difference post exercise. Function test side jump was significantly decreased FAIG and SAG in post exercise(p<.001). Consequently, this study suggests that the proprioceptive exercise improved the sensory ability of ankle strength, joint position sense and function of lower limb.
Effects of taekwondo practice on body composition, physical fitness, blood variables, and visceral fat in male elementary students 태권도 수련이 남자 초등학생의 신체구성, 체력, 혈액성분 및 북부지방에 미치는 영향
김희찬HeeChanKim , 이만규ManGyoonLee
48(6) 551-561, 2009
Effects of taekwondo practice on body composition, physical fitness, blood variables, and visceral fat in male elementary students 태권도 수련이 남자 초등학생의 신체구성, 체력, 혈액성분 및 북부지방에 미치는 영향
김희찬HeeChanKim , 이만규ManGyoonLee
This study examined the effects of taekwondo practice on body composition, physical fitness, blood variables, and visceral fat in male 6th grade elementary school students. There were three groups such as the students who have practiced taekwondo for 24-26 months(2-yr group: n=8), the students who have practiced taekwondo for 11-13 months (1-yr group: n=8), and the students who have not involved any type of systematic exercise training before (control group: n=8). Variables regarding to body composition, physical fitness, blood constituents, and visceral fat were measured and compared among three groups using one-way ANOVA. Results of the present study were as follows: 1) There was no significant difference in body composition variables among the three groups. 2) Cardiovascular endurance, abdominal muscular endurance, and speed of 2-yr group and 1-yr group were significantly superior than them of control group. 3) There was no significant difference in the variables regarding blood lipids and glucose among three groups. 4) There was a trend that abdomen area and fat thickness in abdomen of control group were higher than the results of 2-yr group and 1-yr group. It was concluded that the taekwondo training for one to two years in the Elementary school would contribute to the enhancement of physical fitness. Additionally, the training may have possible preventive effects against the accumulation of visceral fat.
Key Words
taekwondo, body composition, physical fitness, blood Lipid, visceral fat
Insulin-Like growth factor-I induces androgen receptor coactivators expression in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells through the PI3K/Akt pathways C2C12 골격근 세포에서 Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I 이 PI3K/Akt 신호전달 경로를 통해 안드로젠 수용체 Coactivator 유전자 발현에 미치는 영향
김혜진HyeJinKim , 이원준WonJunLee
48(6) 563-573, 2009
Insulin-Like growth factor-I induces androgen receptor coactivators expression in C2C12 skeletal muscle cells through the PI3K/Akt pathways C2C12 골격근 세포에서 Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I 이 PI3K/Akt 신호전달 경로를 통해 안드로젠 수용체 Coactivator 유전자 발현에 미치는 영향
김혜진HyeJinKim , 이원준WonJunLee
Insulin-like growth factor-I(IGF-I) and androgen receptor(AR) are well known effectors of skeletal muscle. Recent studies indicate that the proper transcriptional activity of AR is modulated by AR coactivators. However, it has not been studied whether there is any interaction between IGF-I and AR coactivator genes in the progression of skeletal muscle. In this study, the effects of IGF-I treatment on AR coactivators induction in the absnece of AR ligands and the roles of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathways in IGF-I induced AR coactivators induction was examined. C2C12 cells were treated with 250ng/ml of IGF-I or presence of various inhibitors of PI3K/Akt(LY294002, Wortmannin). Treatment of C2C12 cells with IGF-I resulted in increased GRIP-1, SRC-1, ARA70 protein and mRNA. Inhibition of the PI3K/Akt pathways with LY294002 of Wortmannin led to a significant decrease in IGF-I induced GRIP-1, SRC-1, ARA70 protein and mRNA. The present results suggest that IGF-I stimulates the expression of AR coactivators by cooperative activation of the PI3K/Akt pathways in C2C12 mouse skeletal muscle cells.
A comparative analysis of fall-related fitness components and balance element during aquatic fall risk reduction exercise continuance and detraining in elderly women 수중낙상예방운동 지속과 중단 시 여성 노인의 낙상관련 체력요인과 균형요인 비교 분석
48(6) 575-582, 2009
A comparative analysis of fall-related fitness components and balance element during aquatic fall risk reduction exercise continuance and detraining in elderly women 수중낙상예방운동 지속과 중단 시 여성 노인의 낙상관련 체력요인과 균형요인 비교 분석
Aquatic fall rick reduction exercise program is a new promising therapy in fall prevention of elderly women. The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of aquatic fall rick reduction exercise continuance and detraining on fitness components and balance element in elderly women. The subjects of this study were aquatic fall rick reduction exercise continuance group(n=11, 68.54±3.88years) and comparison group(n=10, 67.70±2.45years). Aquatic fall rick reduction exercise continuance group was performed three times per week, sixty minutes per session for 24 weeks. Detraining group was performed three times per week, sixty minutes per session for 12 weeks. All groups were evaluated at pretest, after 12weeks and after 24-weeks. For data analysis, a Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used and LSD was treated for the post hoc test(p<.05). As a result, aquatic fall rick reduction exercise continuance group was better than before exercise on muscular strength, flexibility, total endurance, and kinetic balance(p<.05). Detraining group was improved after 12 weeks exercise on muscular strength, total endurance, kinetic balance, and balance confidence. But there were decreased after 12 weeks detraining. Therefore, They have to do continuance that fall rick reduction exercise program for a fall prevention.
Key Words
aquatic fall risk reduction program, detraining, fitness components, balance element, elderly women
Kinematic analysis of horse-riding posture according to skill Levels during walking of horse-riding 승마 평보시 숙련도에 따른 기승자세의 운동학적 비교분석
The purpose of this study was to present the quantitative data which novice riders can utilize in the field by comparisonㆍanalysis of kinematics variables according to skill level of rider during 2 stride walking with the JeJu's-Horse. Participated subjects was consisted of total 10 riders(unskilled: n=5, skilled: n=5). The method of experiment & analysis was based on 3D cinematography and variable was consisted of temporal, linear & angular kinematics by each event & phase. The skilled were more consistent in the time elapsed by phases, more stable posture by presentation of less range of motion than the unskilled in the Z axis of CG displacement. More stable & consistent up-down velocity of CG of the skilled could enable periodic riding and less range of motion of lateral direction(X-axis) enable the skilled more stable riding. The skilled were also consistent with more angle of extended shoulder as a results of more extension in elbow, more backward extended posture of hip, while more flexed posture than the unskilled. The skilled were consistent in posture doriflexion, while the unskilled were in plantarflexion throughout all events & phases. Considering the above, he posture of horse riding between the skilled and the unskilled were differentiated apparently in analysed variables. Also the kinematic variables between strides was showed more consistency in the skilled than the unskilled.
Key Words
%fat, BMI, regression model
Effects of slopes on female professional golfers` short iron set up posture 경사면이 여자프로골퍼의 숏아이언 셋업 자세에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate difference of variables relating to posture and alignment of the level, downhill lie, and uphill lie during setup of golf swing through 3D video and GRF system. Eleven female professional golfers were participated in this study. Each of them performed with the 9th iron club at 10° of downhill and uphill slope. It showed that the set up on the slopes was done through the strategy which uses the hip, and knee joint angle. The lateral trunk inclination was affected at different slopes. As indicating 33-34° on forward trunk inclination, 2.4-3.3° on arm inclination to the body, and 108-110° on angle between trunk and club shaft, they were not affected at different slopes. Distance of stance was 38 cm on level, 43 cm on downhill lie, and 44 cm on uphill lie, and stance distance of both lies was wider than level. It showed that the body alignment uses the alignment of shoulder joint and ankle joint. Fz was left 48.1±2.3% BW, right 52.5±2.4% BW on level, left 69.5±3.0% BW, right 28.9±2.7% BW on downhill lie, and left 27.8±3.7% BW, right 71.8±3.7% BW on uphill lie. Therefore, it was affected at different slopes. The position of ball was 44.7±7.7% on level, 52.8±7.2% on downhill lie, and 42.0±8.2% on uphill lie. Like Fz, it was also affected at different slopes.
Key Words
golf, set up, posture, slope, short iron
Analysis of spike motion in female professional volleyball players 여자 프로배구선수들의 스파이크 동작 분석
48(6) 607-613, 2009
Analysis of spike motion in female professional volleyball players 여자 프로배구선수들의 스파이크 동작 분석
The subjects of this study were 3 female volleyball players playing for professional volleyball teams currently as of 2009. Using two cameras, the spike motions of 3 foreigner players in actual games were videotaped during the V-League of 2008-2009. Two synchronized high-speed video cameras were used to record the spike motions for three dimensional video analysis. The conclusion from this study is as follows. A spike motion was divided into 3 phases, which were approach, takeoff, and air phases. The long jump step was relatively short, and the time ratio of approach, takeoff, and air phases was 38 : 25 : 37. The highest point of the center of gravity was 2.01m just before the impact. At the takeoff phase, the vertical speed of the center of gravity reached the lowest point when the left foot passed the right foot, and then, reached the highest point when the left foot took off the ground. The height of impact was 2.86m, and ball speed reached the highest point just before passing the net in all the players except S3.
Key Words
professional volleyball, spike, kinematics, foreigner player
The analysis of axis of rotation of knee joint using directional statistics 방향통계학을 이용한 슬관절 회전축 자료의 분석
48(6) 615-623, 2009
The analysis of axis of rotation of knee joint using directional statistics 방향통계학을 이용한 슬관절 회전축 자료의 분석
The sample as unit vector in is called directional data. In order to analyze this sort of directional data we need directional statistics. The purpose of this study is to introduce the exploratory data analysis, estimation, hypothetical test of the directional statistics and to analyze the empirical directional data of instantaneous axis of rotation for knee joint during vertical jump motion. From a series of the axes of rotation acquired by 3-D coordinates of cinematography, the principal axis of rotation of knee joint could be estimated. Direction cosine and spherical coordinates of the principal axis are (-.3037, .4095, .8603) and (114.2˚ , 340.6˚)respectively and 95 % of confidence cone of this axis was elliptical. The angle of major and minor semi-axes of the ellipse to the principal axis of are 7.13˚ , 2.40˚ respectively.
Key Words
directional statistics, knee joint, instantaneous axis of rotation, principal axis
The effects of video self-modeling feedback according to relative frequency on the performance of a bowling 상대빈도에 따른 비디오 자기모델링 피드백 제공이 정신지체 중학생의 볼링수행에 미치는 영향
김성운SungWoonKim , 유성종SeongJongYu
48(6) 625-633, 2009
The effects of video self-modeling feedback according to relative frequency on the performance of a bowling 상대빈도에 따른 비디오 자기모델링 피드백 제공이 정신지체 중학생의 볼링수행에 미치는 영향
김성운SungWoonKim , 유성종SeongJongYu
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of video self-modeling feedback according to relative frequency on the performance of a bowling task. Thirty mentally retarded middle school student (30 male) whose age ranged from 10 to 14 years (M= 12.6) participated in this experiment. The participants were randomly assigned to one of three experimental conditions: (1) Video self-modeling feedback 33% group(n=10), (2) Video self-modeling feedback 50% group(n=10), (3) Video self-modeling feedback 100% group(n=10). Dependant variables of this study were bowling score. Experimental design was 3(frequency) ×5(day) factorial design with repeated measures on last two factor at acquisition phase, and One-way ANOVA at retention phase. The results of this study could be summarized as follows. In the analysis of bowling score, (a) 100% and 50% condition was more effective than 33% condition at practice. (b) A performance of all group was more effective than 1 day (c) 100% and 50% condition was more effective than 33% condition at retention.
Key Words
video Self-modeling, mentally retarded middle school student, feedback, bowling
Effects of treadmill exercise on Mn-SOD, Cu,Zn-SOD, caspase-3 protein Levels and blood glucose regulations in soleus of STZ-induced diabetic rats 트레드밀 운동이 당뇨 쥐 soleus에서 Mn-SOD, Cu,Zn-SOD, caspase-3 단백질 수준 및 혈당조절에 미치는 영향
채창훈ChangHunChae , 김현태HyunTaeKim
48(6) 635-644, 2009
Effects of treadmill exercise on Mn-SOD, Cu,Zn-SOD, caspase-3 protein Levels and blood glucose regulations in soleus of STZ-induced diabetic rats 트레드밀 운동이 당뇨 쥐 soleus에서 Mn-SOD, Cu,Zn-SOD, caspase-3 단백질 수준 및 혈당조절에 미치는 영향
채창훈ChangHunChae , 김현태HyunTaeKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of treadmill exercise done regularly for 6 weeks on blood glucose, GLUT-4 and Mn-SOD, Cu,Zn-SOD protein levels in soleus of STZ-induced diabetic rats. Twenty male SD rats were divided into the following 4 groups; (1) normal control group(NCG: n=5); (2) normal exercise group(NEG; N=5); (3) diabetes control group(DCG: n=5); and diabetes exercise group(DEG: n=5). Diabetes was induced by injecting WTZ(55mg/kg/b.w.). Rats were subjected to treadmill exercise for 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Blood glucose level in DCG and DEG was significantly increased than that in NCG and NEG. Especially, blood glucose in DEG was significantly decreased than that in DEG. Mn-SOD, and Cu,Zn,-SOD protein levels significanlty increased in NEG, furthermore, Mn-SOD and Cu,Zn-SOD protein levels in DEG were significantly increased than that in DCG. GLUT-4 protein level significantly increased in NEG and DEG. Caspse-3 protein level significantly decreased in NEG. These results show that treadmill exercise in considered to improve blood glucose and GLUT-4 protein level by increased antioxidant emzymes protein levels in soleus of STZ-induced diabetic rats.
The effects of regular exercise and 17β-E2 preconditioning on myocardial infraction, cardiac function and ICAM-1 expression in coronary ischemia/reperfusion injury rats 관상동맥 허혈/재관류 손상 흰쥐의 심근경색과 심장 기능 및 ICAM-1 발현에 미치는 규칙적인 운동과 17β-E2의 전처치 효과
채창훈ChangHunChae , 박석SokPark
48(6) 645-656, 2009
The effects of regular exercise and 17β-E2 preconditioning on myocardial infraction, cardiac function and ICAM-1 expression in coronary ischemia/reperfusion injury rats 관상동맥 허혈/재관류 손상 흰쥐의 심근경색과 심장 기능 및 ICAM-1 발현에 미치는 규칙적인 운동과 17β-E2의 전처치 효과
채창훈ChangHunChae , 박석SokPark
This study investigated the protective effect of 4 weeks of swimming exercise preconditioning and 17β-E2 supplementation prior to AMI on myocardial infarction, cardiac function and ICAM-1 expression. At the end of the exercise preconditioning and 17β-E2 supplementation period, rats were subjected to AMI induced by surgical ligation of the left coronary artery. We got the following result for heart protection effect by combination treatment(exercise and 17β-E2 supplementation). In rat with coronary artery ischemia/reperfusion, reduced infarct volume and 17β-E2 expression. In addition, cardiac function were not change. These result suggest that exercise combined with 17β-E2 supplementation preconditioning in the animal model of coronary ischemia/reperfusion injury, may be useful to protect against ischemia/reperfusion induced heart damage.
Effects of supplementation of soybean extract and exercise training on body composition and blood Lipid profiles 대두배아 열수추출물 등 복합물의 복용과 운동 트레이닝이 신체구성과 혈중 지질 양사에 미치는 영향
Effects of supplementation of soybean extract and exercise training on body composition and blood Lipid profiles 대두배아 열수추출물 등 복합물의 복용과 운동 트레이닝이 신체구성과 혈중 지질 양사에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a 7-week supplementation of soybean extract and exercise training on body composition and blood lipids. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups, i.e. supplementation+exercise training group (SEG: n=25), supplementation group (SG: n=25), and control group (CON: n=24). Subjects in SEG and SG had a supplementation composed of L-carnitine and isoflavone, and subjects in SEG undertook aerobic exercise (40-50 min/session) and resistance exercise (50-60 min/session), three to four times per week for 7 weeks. Main results of the study were as follow: 1) Body weight, BMI, percent body fat, waist circumference, and hip circumference in SEG decreased more significantly than other two groups. 2) The change rate of HDL-C in SEG (+6.79%) and SG (-1.15%) showed significant difference compared to the rate of CON (-4.94%). 3) The change rate of TG in SEG (-21.89%) and SG (1.14%) showed significant difference compared to the rate of CON (+13.27%). It was concluded that the 7 weeks of supplementation of soybean extract would have positive effect on body composition and blood lipids profile. In addition, the effect would be positive effect with the exercise training.
Key Words
soybean extract, L-camitine, isofflavone, body composition, blood Lipid profile
Effects of yoga training on growth hormone, estrogen and insulin in middle-aged obese women 요가수련이 비만 중년여성의 성장호르몬, 에스트로겐 및 인슐린에 미치는 영향
홍성찬SeongChanHong , 박병근ByungKeunPark
48(6) 669-676, 2009
Effects of yoga training on growth hormone, estrogen and insulin in middle-aged obese women 요가수련이 비만 중년여성의 성장호르몬, 에스트로겐 및 인슐린에 미치는 영향
홍성찬SeongChanHong , 박병근ByungKeunPark
This study aims to examine whether Yoga training by middle-aged obese women may affect their growth hormone, estrogen and insulin. For this aim, the effects of Yoga training on growth hormone, estrogen and insulin in the lapses of training time(0, 4, 8, 12 weeks) were investigated through Yoga training for 12 weeks to a total of 20 persons, 10 of whom each were assigned to the experimental and control groups, respectively. The findings of the study could be concluded as follows: First, in terms of the length of the Yoga training, Insulin(p<.001) was found to have decreased significantly from the 12th week on wards. Second, compared between the two groups for Yoga training, Insulin(p<.05) of the experimental group featured a significant decrease during the 12th week after. From the above results, it was known that Yoga training for 12 weeks had an effect of decreasing insulin of the endocrine hormone from the 8th week on. These results suggested that continued training of Yoga for longer period could have positive effects of endocrine hormone, but it seemed hard to expect quick physiological changes as it might be from aerobic exercise that requires higher intensity of strength than medium grade.
Key Words
yoga training, growth hormone, Estrogen, insulin
Effects of 12 weeks’ music jump-rope exercise on body composition, physical strength and blood Lipid of fat middle-aged women 12주간의 음악줄넘기운동이 비만중년여성의 신체조성, 체력 및 혈중지질에 미치는 효과
48(6) 677-688, 2009
Effects of 12 weeks’ music jump-rope exercise on body composition, physical strength and blood Lipid of fat middle-aged women 12주간의 음악줄넘기운동이 비만중년여성의 신체조성, 체력 및 혈중지질에 미치는 효과
The purpose of the this study was to find about how 12 weeks' music jump-rope exercise influences body composition, physical strength and blood lipid of fat middle-aged women. The surveyed persons were 28 fat women(over 30% of fat percent) aged over 40~below 50 before menopause, who live in C city of North Chungcheong Province, and the program was carried out 3 times a week(Monday, Wednesday, Friday) for 60 minutes during 12 weeks. The t-test and tow-way ANOVA analysis of paired samples based on prior-post inspection results were executed, so the following conclusions could be obtained. It appeared that the 12 weeks' music jump-rope exercise has positive effects on body composition, physical strength and blood lipid of fat middle-aged women, and there was statistically a significant difference in all items. There was statistically a significant difference between a music jump-rope exercise group and a control group in all items of body composition, physical strength and blood lipid. Accordingly, it is thought that execution of aerobic exercise including music jump-rope exercise will be desirable in order to obtain positive effects on body composition, physical strength and blood lipid of fat middle-aged women.
Key Words
music jump-rope, body composition, blood Lipid, fatness, aerobic exercise
Effects of elastic band exercise on functional fitness and physical activity Levels in older women 탄성밴드운동이 여성고령자의 연령대별 기능적 체력 및 신체활동량에 미치는 영향
정순득SoonDeukJung , 박정준JungJunPark , 양점홍JumHongYang
48(6) 689-701, 2009
Effects of elastic band exercise on functional fitness and physical activity Levels in older women 탄성밴드운동이 여성고령자의 연령대별 기능적 체력 및 신체활동량에 미치는 영향
정순득SoonDeukJung , 박정준JungJunPark , 양점홍JumHongYang
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of elastic exercise training on functional fitness and physical activity levels of older women in different age ranges, and provide an appropriate elastic exercise program for each age group. The elastic band exercise program was composed of rating of perceived exertion(RPE) 11-13 for 35-50 minutes, 2 times a week for 12 weeks. Forty older women were devide by classified age range into 4 groups; 65-69, 70-74, 75-79 and 80-84 years old. The measure of functional fitness and physical activity levels. A within-group comparison revealed that all age group improved lower and upper extremity muscle strength, lower and upper extremity flexibility, and cardiorespiratory endurance following elasticband exercise training except BMI, agility and dynamic balance. Based on between-grpup comparison, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79 years old groups had a greater improvement than 80-84 years old group showed a greater improvements than 70-74, 75-79 and 80-84 years old groups. In all age groups, total energy expenditure and locomotion energy expenditure showed positive improvements in response to elastic band exercise. The total number of steps were increase in only 65-69 years old group. However, average walking speed did non change in all groups. Also, there were no differncese in the rates of change on any variables among the age groups.